Thursday, March 4, 2010


From the viewpoint of society, those who choose to have no polo shirts are selfish and self-centered. They are avoiding the responsibility for both children and society. The development of society needs its members to bear, bring up and educate children regarding to the requirements of society. If everybody escapes from the responsibilities out of selfish considerations for society, there will be no human beings on the planet of earth. Furthermore, couples without children will be helpless when they are too old to help themselves. Then they will become the heavy burden of ralph lauren polo shirts. If such couples occupy a high proportion in society and exceed the degree that society can bear, the turbulence of society will become the deniable fact. Of course they can ask others for help. But who will look after them as the kin children do? They can never enjoy the reliable and timely care from their off springs, for “blood is thicker than water”. Their old days will be very deplorable and miserable without the concern and attend of their ralph lauren polo.Don’t be so shortsighted and selfish, look into future, we will find that having children is an instructive thing for ourselves as well as for society. However, take the family policy of China into consideration, as a responsible member of the human society, we should also limit the number of our children.